Devils Tower National Monument

The Tower is an astounding geologic feature that protrudes out of the prairie surrounding the Black Hills. It is considered sacred by Northern Plains Indians and indigenous people. Hundreds of parallel cracks make it one of the finest crack climbing areas in North America. Devils Tower entices us to learn more, explore more and define our place in the natural and cultural world.

Long before molten rock pushed up to form the Tower, other rocks were forming from different origins. Sand and silt left behind by ancient rivers and shallow seas were buried and compacted. Gypsum deposits formed as water evaporated. Creatures big and small – from dinosaurs to clams – left their marks. Today, the stunning cliffs of red and yellow siltstone and sandstone, interbedded with gray shale or limestone and white gypsum, created a multi-colored landscape dominated by rolling fields and dark green forests.


PO Box 10
Devils Tower, WY 82714

(605) 467-5283 x635